Mangosing Law Group aggressively pursues Subsequent Injuries Benefits Trust Fund (SIBTF) claims on behalf of its clients. A benefit that is generally unknown to most injured workers, SIBTF claims have become a significant part of our practice here at Mangosing Law Group.
The Subsequent Injuries Benefits Trust Fund (SIBTF) is another source of compensation for injured workers. In order to recover from the SIBTF you must have a later California work-related injury and a pre-existing disability. The result of all of the combined disabilities leaves you with a significant impairment of 70% or more. The pre-existing disability does not have to be work related. For example, if you hurt your back on the job and before that time you injured your leg in an auto accident, you may be eligible to receive additional compensation from the SIBTF because of both injuries. The purpose of the SIBTF is to encourage employers to hire workers with pre-existing disabilities.
A substantial part of our practice is now handling SIBTF claims. We have clients throughout the US who we represent.
The SIBTF process is often complicated. It requires thorough knowledge of the medical history, various disabilities and any type of disability awards one has received. We carefully screen each SIBTF case that we take. We take pride in our organized and detailed approach to every client's claim. The path to receiving SIBTF benefits is often lengthy but the benefits that we obtain for our clients are substantial and help them with their financial futures.
The process of making an SIBTF claim begins with gathering as much medical information about your medical history as we can. Once we obtain these documents we carefully review them to identify all possible preexisting disabilities that can assist you in making your SIBTF claim. We then have you evaluated by a panel of doctors in order to determine the full extent of all current disabilities that you have. Once we have received the medical reports we determine whether you should be evaluated by a vocational specialist. The purpose of a vocational evaluation is to assess the impact that your disabilities have on your ability to work. Once this process is completed we are ready to present your claim at the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board.
The result of your claim will depend upon your overall disability and the nature and extent of prior awards and other disability benefits, including Social Security disability.
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Address: 911 Marina Way South Ste A Richmond, CA 94804
Phone: (510) 237-7982
Fax: (510) 237-4797
Business Hours
CA Bar: 316560